1. Do you know who your customers are?
If not, its time to find out. Identify your customer personas (with back stories) and address your content to them as individuals.2. Do you place more emphasis on the visual design of your website than the structure and contents?
"Pretty" only gets you so far. Without substance, people will not visit or stay and search engines will not index.
3. Does your content truly help your customers? Is is actionable, informational or educational? Is it written from a plan?
If not, your content can cause people to disconnect. Use an editorial calendar, sales funnel and targeted offers.
4. Is your company and your staff empowered to "do" online?
Does your online partner "handle" it for you, or do they work as a true partner in your success? with the Google Humminbird algorithm update, your entire team are now critical players.
5. Does your website have a blog?
If no, you are missing out on "the" most important and effective tool available. Just do not get promotional or you will push visitors away. Instead, use great content to attract visitors, share knowledge and build trust.
6. Are you making the most of a new art of SEO and findability?
Search success really comes down to how well you can be found by the right kinds of prospects. It is a combo of content, social engagement and avoiding SEO tricks that will get you into trouble.
7. Do you look at social media as networking yet? You should.
The basic human desire to do business with other people that we know, like, and trust means embracing social tools to connect with prospects. They are the audience for you content.
8. Do you craft offers that are relevant to your target audience?
Searchers are looking for answers. Provide them at all levels of your sales funnel and build a case in favour of your solutions. Each offer is a touch point in your sales process.
9. Think you can set it and forget it? Think again.
Getting started is only the beginning. Building an online presence takes and effort. If you have not set a budget for ongoing marketing efforts, analytics, content creation and engagement, you will get left behind.
10. Do you keep an eye on your analytics?
It's one thing to have an idea about how many visitors your site has, but what about conversions, popular pages, competitor activity or even Google algorithm changes? Watch your analytics like you watch accounting. Nothing beats good intelligence.
Bottom Line: A successful business website isn't built from any single thing!
Source: Kayak Online Marketing
Nice Post Zeeshan